arsenic | ArSeNiC, ArSeNIC |
astatine | AsTaTiNe |
bismuth | BiSmUTh, BISmUTh |
carbon | CaRbON, CArBON |
copper | CoPPEr, COPPEr |
iron | IrON |
krypton | KrYPtON |
neon | NeON |
phosphorus | PHOsPHoRuS, PHoSPHoRuS, PHOSPHoRus,
silicon | SiLiCoN, SILiCoN, SiLiCON, SILiCON |
silver | SILvEr, SiLvEr |
tin | TiN |
xenon | XeNoN, XeNON |
Dr. Nandor was most recently a mathematics teacher and former Upper School Head at The Wellington School. Here is his home page.