Nandor's Exhaustive Chemical Spellings Page
Countries Page
This is a list of the different ways that countries that can be spelled with element symbols.
This list only includes current countries that have been accepted by the United Nations or are
observer states. Thus, for instance, KOsOVO
is not (yet?) included. On the other hand, I have added PAlEsTiNe since it has "observer" status.
I also included the obviously interesting political status in the UK. I finally landed on trying
all combinations: unitedkingdom, greatbritain, england, scotland, wales, northernireland.
Clearly, I had to make some decisions here based on politics... but then, countries are already
inherently political. Also, where possible, phrases like "Republic of" have
not been considered.
There are 62 of these spellings.
If you want to see the 36 countries that they spell, click
The spellings are in alphabetical order, so just scroll down to find the word you want. If you enjoy these, please let me know!