Calculus Methods
08 Finding Relative Extrema
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Relative extrema occur either at critical points or at
endpoints, but a typical AP problem will not ask
about relative extrema and endpoints in the same
Relative extrema are more difficult to identify,
because we must know what the slope does on
either side of each critical point.
1) Find all critical numbers.
A) Take the derivative of the function.
B) Express the derivative as a single fraction.
C) Critical points occur when the derivative is
equal to zero or when the derivative has a
zero in the denominator, so set both the
numerator and denominator equal to zero.
D) Solve for the critical numbers.
2) Evaluate the function at each critical number and
at each endpoint. This step is necessary since we do
not want to test a critical number if it doesn't
correspond to an actual point!
3) If you are not dealing with a fraction, use the
second derivative test:
A) Find the second derivative of the function.
B) Express the second derivative as a single
C) Evaluate the second derivative at each x-
value of each critical point. If the second
derivative is less than zero, that critical point
is a maximum (negative concavity). If the
second derivative is greater than zero, that
critical point is a minimum (positive
concavity). If the second derivative is zero
or undefined, the second derivative test fails
and you must move on to step 4.
4) You will only use this step if the second
derivative test fails or if the second derivative is
difficult to find. The other way to determine if a
point is a critical point is by seeing how the slope
changes near that critical point. If the slope changes
from positive to negative, the critical point must be
a maximum. If the slope changes from negative to
positive, the critical point must be a minimum. If the
slope is unchanged, the critical point must be a
point of inflection.
Since we need to know how the sign of the
slope changes, we want to observe when the slope
is positive and when it is negative. As we saw in
method 02, one way to do this is with a sign chart.
Make the sign chart OF THE FIRST DERIVATIVE
to determine where it is positive and where it is
5) If you need to determine when an endpoint is a
maximum or a minimum, evaluate the FIRST
derivative at each endpoint. For a beginning
endpoint, if the slope is positive, then the function is
headed up from the beginning and the beginning
endpoint must be a relative minimum. Similarly, if
the slope is negative, the beginning endpoint must
be a relative maximum. For the ending endpoint, the
opposite is true: positive slope indicates a maximum
and negative slope indicates a minimum.
Example #1: Find all relative extrema of the
function .
1B) There is no fraction in this derivative.
So both of the critical numbers are critical points.
3B) The second derivative is not a fraction.
there is a relative maximum at and there
is a
relative minimum at . Note that
we have not
determined whether these extrema are also
absolute. To determine that, see method 07.
Example #2: Find all relative extrema of the
function .
1B) There is no fraction in this derivative.
So both of the critical numbers are critical points.
3) Let's pretend that the second derivative test
failed so that we must use step 4.
4) We will set up a sign chart for the derivative to
see how the slope changes around the critical points
(see method 02 for instructions on how to set up a
sign chart).
the point when , the sign changes
negative to positive, so the point is
minimum. Around the point when ,
the sign
changes from positive to negative, so the point
is a maximum.
On to Method 09 - Finding "Other" Points Of Inflection
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